Jinny Allaire

Executive secretary

jinny.allaire@uqo.ca mail_outline
819 595-3900 poste 2900


As executive secretary my role mainly consists in assisting the director of the natural sciences department in fulfilling his mandate mainly related to teaching and the quality of teaching. I assume a role of coordination and communication between the different administrative units of the university and the department. I disseminate to the entire Ripon community important information related to the smooth running of the departement as a whole.

As an administrative technician, I am responsible for the process of offering courses, assigning teaching activities to professors and lecturers. I also participate in the recruitment process for lecturers and students for the department and I follow up on requests for recognition of teaching qualification requirements (EQE) from lecturers.

I also take responsibility for reservations, loans and returns of books from the ISFORT library in addition to providing the service of issuing student cards and cards for teaching staff and on-site support at Ripon. In addition, I am responsible for managing access to the Ripon pavilion for all staff and students.

I am also responsible for the internal mail service between the Ripon pavilion and those of Gatineau and / or St-Jérôme.

I remain available at all times to help or accompany teachers, lecturers, students and guests as needed.

I look forward to working with you all!

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